Mac->EsP5v1.0b4 By EspReSso To use: To Connect to EsP5 you need to have a TCP (MacTCP) connection established first. Then simply Click on the "Mac->EsP5 Settings" and log in using your user name and password, or "NEW" if you are a first time user. Once Connected, type .ct on to join #espresso_. For help type .ct which will display the help menu. .help is Also available for further info. Note: The File Area is Only available on IRC, this app can NOT transfer files at this time, possibly in future versions. This is a first Release which is a Beta. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. We are not held responsible for any damage cause an any relation to these files. If you have a problem with this TRASH IT NOW!!!, if not Have fun. More to come.